remodeling work time frame
Project management,  Remodeling

How to Agree With your Contractor on the Remodeling Timeline

Have you ever regretted not agreeing on a clear remodeling timeline and precise start and completion dates with your contractor while remodeling your house?
In the realm of residential construction and remodeling, contractors often provide their clients with generic job timeline expectations. However, they refrain from discussing detailed schedules or committing to clear deadlines.
It is understood that contractors struggle to find skilled workers in the present economy, and the risk of not completing the job on time is high. Therefore, they tend to keep that part of the agreement vague to protect themselves. However, it should not discourage you as a homeowner from negotiating some terms to help have some control over your remodeling timeline.

Situations to avoid:

You might have experienced or heard of situations similar to the following:

  • Workers becoming too relaxed when they take unexpected time off or holidays that were never discussed before signing the agreement;
  • Workers being borrowed unexpectedly for other jobs;
  • Delivery delays for items due to a failure to preorder on time.

Therefore, your argument should focus on your intentions to prevent similar scenarios, whether it’s due to improper job planning by the contractor or taking advantage of having a foot on-site and forcing unacceptable conditions.

Information that can help control remodeling timeline:

It is highly recommended that you communicate timeline expectations with your contractor, and hold them accountable for as much of the following information as possible.

  • Remodeling starting date
  • Remodeling completion date
  •  Overall work schedule or phases with approximate time estimates for each
  •  Daily work schedule 
  •  Expected holidays for team members
  •  Materials delivery schedule
  •  Resources designated to your project only
  •  Weekly or monthly progress meetings, depending on the job size

For better control over the project timeline, a well-planned payment schedule is essential. You can refer to our editable bathroom agreement template for a detailed payment schedule and scope of work.

Bathroom Remodeling Agreement Template

For more information check our articles:

How to pay your handyman or contractor

4 Important things to agree on with your contractor

5 Amazing Tips for Hiring the right contractor or Handyman

How to define a scope of work?

Professional Agreement Template

— For bathroom remodeling

Save money and hassle by downloading and using our editable professional bathroom agreement template that includes all information you need to define scope of work and payment schedule.


Professional Agreement Template

— For kitchen remodeling

Save money and hassle by downloading and using our editable professional kitchen agreement template that includes all information you need to define scope of work and payment schedule.
